Tuesday 28 February 2017

Journal Pages

'Hold it!' I shouted, 'I haven't finished drawing that yet!' After her initial startle the waitress smiled and tried to put the cup back exactly where it had been.

Monday 20 February 2017

Business Cards

I've been making my own business cards from scratch. I first made paper pulp by shredding bits of used paper and cardboard. I also included the pre-shredded remains of the Yoshizawa crab (see previous post). After soaking and further shredding to an even finer consistency with a kitchen blender I added some pencil shavings for extra texture and colourful detail. The pulp was then dispersed in a tub before 'pulling' card sized sheets of paper with a specially constructed mesh sieve. Those wet sheets where transferred onto felt and left to dry. After drying and flattening I stamped on my address and (hand-cut) logo.